It’s not for you, mate!
You may have heard the term, the Angel’s Share, in reference to that portion of a distilled spirit volume that is lost through evaporation during the ageing process. You may have been told that the Angels reserve this “share” for themselves, taking it before the barrel is even open, and leaving the rest to us poor Demons. But Angels aren’t notoriously big drinkers, except perhaps for some wine and ambrosia now and then, while, at least in this regard, the Demons really know their stuff.
The Demon’s Share, the very best part of Rum, from the fun-loving Demons of Panama’s busy streets.
Don’t take my word for it.
It is no coincidence that the Demon selected Panama as his favorite Country for the creation of his superb rum. Sugarcane is crafted with traditional expertise on this volcanic terrain rich in nutrients, aged and blended to perfection in his impervious cellars. Moreover, steeped in inspiring cultural heritage and immersed in jaw-dropping landscapes, Panama has a lot to offer during the day — and at night. When the sun goes down, revelers hit the streets, from casual breweries to stylish nightclubs, from underground hangouts in the heart of the city to fancy rooftop bars with spectacular views, the city dances to the Demon’s tune and toasts with his rum.
Some of the world’s most premium, most seductive demon waters come from here, and it’s no surprise that The Demon’s Share calls Panama its birthplace.
Inspired by the country’s rich traditions and brewed with devilish artistry, The Demon’s Share is the very best part of rum and it’s dedicated with love and brimstone to all fiends all over the world.
So I decided to create something to take the edge off now and then, I created Rum.
On top of the choice of the terroir, the skill of the Demon is to use the distillation process to separate and collect the alcohols and flavor compounds he wants to end up with in his rum. Moreover, while sleeping by his barrels in the deepest cellars of his kingdom, the Demon dreams of the most superb liquid ever… and makes sure Angels will not steal too much of it!
At the end, his masterpiece creation is assured by his demoniac ability in blending. Nobody dares overcoming him… The creation has taken place! The Demon has his own baby! A baby rum! The final fulfillment for his vanity…