Studer | German Rum Festival 2022

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:11GRF

The Studer Distillery in Escholzmatt was founded in 1883 by the four Studer brothers as a distillery, liqueur and confectionery factory. and confectionery factory. The company is still family-owned today, with the fourth and fifth generations now jointly running the business.

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Ryoma | German Rum Festival 2022

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:11GRF

Did you know that sugar cane originated in New Guinea and enjoyed great popularity in Asia long before it found its way to the Caribbean/South America? Ryoma Rhum is produced at the Kikusui distillery, located in Kuroshio, a small town on the southern island of Shikoku, which offers the perfect climate for growing sugar cane.

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Rum Malecon | German Rum Festival 2022

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:11GRF

Rum from the premium segment must be aged for some time in oak barrels in order to develop complex aromas and a distinctive note. This insight has also been adopted by the Malecon rum brand: the very long aging times and the associated highly aromatic products are its trademark and are the reason for its fascination.

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Mount Gay | German Rum Festival 2022

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:11GRF

The distillery has very high quality standards for itself. The production takes place according to a distillation process, which has proven itself over many generations. An in-house yeast culture, which is cultivated in the extremely closely guarded distillery laboratory, ensures the typical taste of the Mount Gay rums

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Gold of Mauritius I German Rum Festival 2022

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:11GRF

Gold of Mauritius Dark Rum represents a brilliant tribute to the beauty of the island in the Indian Ocean with its multicultural population and their traditions. It reflects the richness of the island, the breathtaking landscape with distinctive mountain peaks, fertile valleys and beautiful beaches – and the smiles of the people who live here.

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DON Q | German Rum Festival 2022

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:11GRF

In 1865, Juan Serralles founded Destileria Serralles in Ponce, Puerto Rico, and began distilling his first rum. He gave it the name DON Q, in reference to Don Quixote, probably the most famous novel character from classical Spanish literature. Today, just like back then, all rum varieties are matured and bottled on site to ensure the highest quality.

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Compañero | German Rum Festival 2022

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:11GRF

Compañero is the Spanish word for comrade, and it stands for the product series of the Danish manufacturer 1423, for which Taste, complexity and finish are the central keywords. The two current products in this series, Gran Reserva and Elixir Orange, are both from the Caribbean and were joined at the end of 2017 by the very interesting Extra Añejo.

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