Calico’s Crew
Names of men are abundant in the world of spirits. With the first two labels of the new brand „Calico’s Crew“, two of the few female celebrities of the pirate world are now to be honored.
The historical characteristic in Calico’s crew – alias Capt. Calico Jack Rackham’s crew – is certainly the two pirates – Anne Bonny and Mary Read. To honor these two ladies, we developed over two years, sketched and tasted, with a lot of love for the detail as well as for the Rum, until the right combination of taste, feeling and design was achieved. Regarding the bottle, high value was set on a soft, feminine appearance, which is emphasized by the perfectly fitting label. Both bottles are, of course, sealed with a natural cork, which, with the logo of the brand printed, completes the design. The wooden handle of the cork has a trapezoidal cross-section so that the opening of the bottle is remarkably easy. On the other hand, the design of the bottle as well as the bottle neck continues elegantly through the cork.
Not only the presentation and the equipment of Calico’s Crew are outstanding, also the content – the rum – convinces the connoisseur. The two first labels of Calico’s Crew present themselves today as rums of the extra class. Fine and soft on the tongue with very special typical characteristics. Both unique and distinctively.
„Anne Bonny’s Favorite“ comes with a blue design, which fits elegantly to the rather blond and softer appearance of Anne Bonny. She was also the mother of two children of Calico Jack. For her, an extra soft rum was created, which is composed of 8-year top rums of the Caribbean. The result is presented with an unrivalled aroma combination of strawberries, apricots and the rum-typical caramel.
„Mary Read’s Choice“ comes in an exclusive red décor. She was the wilder of the two ladies, who even shot a team member in her anger. For her we created a smooth rum from 12-year rums of the extra class of the Caribbean. The taste of „Mary Read’s Choice“ is a bit wilder compared to „Anne Bonny’s Favorite“, darker in the color and aromatically orientated to the classical taste of rum.
Both labels are unique and unmistakable in their exclusive and lovingly artistic design.
Also, the captain of the crew – Calico Jack – is not to remain ignored and so it is already planned to launch a rarity and specialty, older than 18 years, in honor of Calico Jack.
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