Rene van Hoven a worldwide known Rum Expert and Member of the Rum XP Panel will offer some of the rarest Rums from his private selection at the German Rum Festival 2015.

It will be an absolute Highlight!

Amongst the selection he will bring are rare Rums like the following:

  • Cacique Milenium Edition, Venezuela, Bottled in 1999, 40 %
  • Victoria, Vieux Pretinha, Portugal, Bottled in the 60’s, 50 %
  • La Mauny Milisime 1979, Martinique, Bottled in the late 90’s, 43 %
  • John Milroy, Finest Jamaica, 26 years, Bottled around 2010, 50 %
  • Cadenhead Dated Distillation, Guyana Port Morant, 30 Years, Distilled in 1964, Bottled on August 1st 1995 , 73.3 %


These and more will be available for tasting at the 5th German Rum Festival Berlin 2015, so make sure to get your Tickets now!





LaMauny  GuyanaPortMorantCacique  Prethina  JohnMilroy

